ADHD Coaching


My ADHD coaching services are provided via phone. Together with my client we determine the best call schedule to meet their needs and to start them on the path to success.

ADD ADHD Life Coaching For Professionals

ADD, ADHD Coaching
I work with adults who have ADD or ADHD to help them reach their goals while acknowledging that they may have different approaches because they have ADD. As an ADD coach, I strive to draw out my client’s strengths and create strategies for success based on the way they work best. I help my clients to develop a “toolkit” of strategies that they can rely on. The content of my coaching varies from person to person, but what stays the same is my dedication to helping the client learn about themselves and find repeatable ways to generate success.

Academic Coaching
I work with college students to help them define their college career. I customize my coaching to each individual student. We explore issues such as learning style, study skills, time management, and lifestyle issues (eating, sleeping, exercise). As an academic coach I feel my job is to help the student learn about themselves in order to develop strategies that will be useful throughout their academic career and into their professional life post-college.

Public Speaking
I am available to speak to groups of people about coaching, success, study skills or ADD. I can tailor a topic to your group.

Seminars & On-Line Classes
The following is an example of seminars offered throughout my career.
Please contact me if your organization is interested in sponsoring a seminar.

  • Goal Setting: The key to success
  • ADD, ADHD: What’s it all about?
  • ADD, ADHD: Biology
  • ADD, ADHD: Behaviors
  • ADD, ADHD: Beliefs
  • Study Tricks: Steps to College Success
  • Writing Workshop: How to master the process of writing
  • Battle Negativity, Conquer Your Inner Voice