Academic Resource
ADHD Coaching:
The ADHD College Student’s Secret Weapon
For people who have ADHD, college can be particularly challenging. Entering college presents students with a wide range of new responsibilities. The overwhelming task of organizing the daily routine can be daunting at the same time where their previous support systems have been left behind. While most colleges are well equipped from the academic standpoint, the unique struggle students with ADHD can be particularly challenging.
For students with ADHD it is essential for them to put into practice routines that work for them. They need to navigate through a new world, but in most cases without any GPS to guide them. This is where a professional ADHD Coach can come into play. By having a trusted and well respected ADHD Coach in your list of contacts you can provide your ADHD students with a tool they otherwise would not have. The ADHD coach can give students the individual attention they need and allow the student to make improvements and adjustments throughout the school year as they encounter issues. This allows for a much smoother year and better outcome.
An ADHD Coach can help a college student with their study skills, timeliness, their schedule, their sleep, food and exercise habits as well as any other habits they may have picked up. Whatever the student is struggling with, they can strategize with their coach to find and implement a solution.
Coaching can help the student solve their own problems, find solutions that enable them to fit into the greater system of college, shift their attitudes from those based on anxiety or blame to attitudes that are more productive. Additionally, through coaching students can also work to improve their personal habits so they take care of themselves to be healthier and handle the pressure of midterms and finals.
Sheri Hall-Miller, MA, ACG knows the struggles first hand. She has ADHD and has been coaching college students to succeed since 2002.
Find out more about Sheri Here.
Let students know an accredited ADHD Coach is an option to help them create a foundation for a more successful life and be the vest version of themselves. Simply print out this flyer and post it in an accessible area. Download Our ADHD Academic Coaching Flyer
This document contains more detailed information about Sheri and ADHD Coaching can accomplish to those who wish to transform their lives. It’s a great hand-out for anyone wanting more info. Download The ADHD Coaching Info Sheet
Sheri is also available to speak at your school about the challenges of ADHD in college and how to find solutions to help students succeed. Contact Sheri For A College Speaking Engagement
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