Professional Resource
ADHD Coaching:
A Tool for Employers and Human Resources
ADHD is a common trait for creative and highly intelligent individuals in the corporate world. The symptoms of which can be distracting, challenging and frustrating.
Some of the more common ADHD symptoms can include:
- Easily Distracted
- Disorganized
- Difficulty with Time Management
- Forgetfulness
- Inattention
- Inability to Focus
- Hyperactivity
- Difficulties in a structured environment
Individuals with ADHD have the potential to be highly productive, but their own behavioral tendencies can sabotage their success. The condition manifests differently for each individual and can leave them to struggle in basic workplace situations.
The great news is there are steps an employer can take to help these employees excel in the workplace and performance. Enter, the ADHD Coach. A professional ADHD Coach is uniquely skilled to help individuals with ADHD to identify their very best work habits, gain clarity and put in place habits that will lead them on the path to success – for themselves while also benefitting you, the employer. Who wouldn’t want to see their ADHD employees work to their fullest potential?
The ultimate goal here is to put your ADHD employees in a position for success.
Yes, you the employer will benefit from their new focus, but ultimately, you are fostering a success in the individual which will last a lifetime. The tools put in place through ADHD Coaching sessions benefit both parties and provide a highly valued perk in the work environment.
Let employees know an accredited ADHD Coach is an option to help anyone who wants to live a more successful life. Simply print out the HR Flyer by clicking the button below and posting the flyer in a visible area. Download Our ADHD Coaching Flyer
This document contains more detailed information about Sheri and ADHD Coaching can accomplish to those who wish to transform their lives. It’s a great hand-out for anyone wanting more info. Download The ADHD Coaching Info Sheet
Sheri is also available to speak to your management group or employees, she’s happy to present at your casual lunch and learns or for more formal management presentations. Her topics typically range from skill sets like timeliness or setting up routines to understanding ADHD in the workplace. Contact Sheri For A Closed Session Meeting or Workplace Seminar
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